How do I change the pen refill?

How do I change the pen refill?


To change the ink cartridge in the Digital Pen, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the pen in a horizontal position.
  2. Use a pair of tongs/pliers to get a steady grip of the ink cartridge.
  3. Pull the tongs away from the pen; the ink cartridge will slide out of the pen.
  4. Slip a new ink cartridge into the pen by hand, until it cannot be pressed any further. Make sure that the ink cartridge is straight. A bent ink cartridge will affect the pressure sensor and make the stroke capture instable.


Use certified ink refills only.

Never reinsert an ink-cartridge once it has been removed from the pen as it may have been damaged when extracted. Ink leakage inside the pen can destroy it.

The dimensions of the ink refill are as follows:


Further Information
To buy new ink refills contact Magicomm.